Why Pay More?

...Because Fair Trade, handcrafted, whipped, and edible products just cost more to produce.  Yes, I'm sure you've all noticed by now that we had our first retail price increase EVER since inception in November 2005.  We just hope the prettier packaging makes things more palatable.

We've always kept our prices as reasonable as possible simply because we have to be able to afford them too!  I just can NOT in good conscience charge you more than I am willing - if not able - to pay myself.

And so to all of our long time patrons who have been there for the long haul, I give thanks, and beg your pardon.  To all of the new people to grace our shelve but deign to call yourselves "customers" let alone patrons, I give my thanks and beg your patience.  If it is not apparent I have failed you all: we do this for Love NOT money!

At Your Service,
Chief Executive Mama
Kynk Naturals

Esenje Bonga3 Comments